a list of some special critters you might come across wandering with unfolding spiral

OPPOSITE OF: breathless
LEARNING PATH: Franco “Bifo” Berardi⋰polinsski
we have grown unable to breathe at the rhythm of our own respiration, which has been captured by the apocalyptic force of the algorithm of financial capitalism.
Conscious breathing as resistance, breathing as revelation from the state of endless-chase, breathing as a search for inner rhythm, breathing as tuning.
APPEARED IN: interview, wording
LEARNING PATH: Isabel Seiffert⋰Beatriz Colomina & Mark Wigley⋰are.na community
Why not design as a way of asking questions?
APPEARED IN: interview, wording
LEARNING PATH: Laura Coombs, Laurel Schwulst, Mindy Seu⋰polinsski
Perceiving a text as situated within a certain environment (world, system, context), I wonder how we can cite not only the words, but the feeling of the text, created through design practices such as: color choice, fonts, line spacing, sounds, background image.... Through design-quoting, I propose considering these practices as inseparable and not-less-valuable parts of the text.
living document
APPEARED IN: intertextual collage
RELATION: digital garden
Living document is a document that is continually edited and updated.
APPEARED IN: interview
LEARNING PATH: polinsski⋰are.na community⋰MARCH
Playscape is space for experimentation, discovery, and movement based on curiosity. It is a setting where mistakes should be made, where mistakes are seen as what does not fit the standard, where purposeful mistakes can be practiced as standard-hacking. The playscape can also serve as a space to practice resisting power structures and rehearsing the worlds we want to inhabit in everyday life.
APPEARED IN: interview, intro, outro
LEARNING PATH: polinsski⋰Chia Amisolaare.na communityKristoffer Tjalve
Poetic web is a possibility playscape that allows for the reshuffling of semiotic patterns, similar to how poetry operates. It consists of hypermedia and various practices associated with each medium and artifact. Poetic Web reduces the constraints of standards, creating a space where new connections and combinations can emerge. Poetic web can function as a space for both the meaning-making and the excessive revelation of meaning, viewing these practices not as dichotomies, but rather as part of a cycle of constant restructuring, forming, deforming and re-forming, learning and unlearning; reflecting the fluid nature of things.
APPEARED IN: interview, breathing corner
Repetition as a way of moving, repetition as rehearsing the worlds we want to inhabit in everyday life. Repetition as practice of self invention through relation, repetition as active listening, repetition as observation of shifting nature of things.
APPEARED IN: source code, breathing corner, on writing
LEARNING PATH: polinsski
A site spirit is a more aware friend that provides careful observation and support through the evolving process of writing and site creation, embodying various forms to suit the moment's needs. It acts as a bridge between the internal world of discovery and the external expression.