Dear visitor,

This website is created for a reflective, meditative experience, best enjoyed in the calm of your home and not on the go.

Please revisit on a desktop computer.



Polina Lobanova(b. 1996, Moscow), an artist and designer, re-searching poetic web, she looks for computer-feeling—focusing on the subjective, intimate experiences with computing devices, seeking a deeper sense of possibility and excessiveness. Whether it's for a chat, collaboration, or just to share thoughts - write me an e-mail.


...Polinsski looks for non-user events asking herself and friends–what is left once the user is gone?

...Polinsski in poetic web: unfolding spiral touches on the constraints and possibilities of language, words, worlds, and their artifacts, relation and meaning making, smoothness, attention, and agency, and sees how subtle shifts in understanding allowed words to be restructured and new meanings to grow.

...Polinsski and Kim have found that their interest in margins and marginality is growing and they are committed to exploring it further together.

...Polinsski and Kim propose a margin-writing workshop for the EKA GD stand-in school for graphic design.

...Polinsski feels lightweighted and writes an internet poem .

...Polinsski tells Site-spirit how summer sunset feels.

...Polinsski spents a cozy evening chatting with Site-spirit about its unique form of self-expression, playfully referred to as 'sitewear'.

...Polinsski thinks about the sound of rain at the ocean _.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._

...Polinsski lights up with a simple idea of a button-workshop, where each button is a tiny canvas.

...Polinsski finds herself intrigued by the world of button elements.

...Polinsski falls asleep in the heart of a digital landscape and dreams of the myriad forms a website could take.

...Polinsski and Emil gathered 147 pocket stones and assembled a machine to share their collection with others.

...Polinsski discovered a passion for workshops as a format for sharing knowledge.

age: days
last update:
energy: transitioning
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Sunday media

do you sometimes look at the source code of the website?